Section 125.59. Transfer of certain revenue — county program funding.  

Latest version.
  •   The treasurer of state, on each July 1 for that fiscal year, shall transfer the estimated amounts to be received from section 123.36, subsection 7 and section 123.143, subsection 1 to the department.

      1.  a.  Of these funds, notwithstanding section 125.13, subsection 1, one-half of the transferred amount shall be used for grants to counties operating a substance abuse program involving only education, prevention, referral or posttreatment services, either with the counties’ own employees or by contract with a nonprofit corporation. The grants shall not annually exceed ten thousand dollars to any one county, subject to the following conditions:

      (1)  The money shall be paid to the county after expenditure by the county and submission of the requirements in subparagraph (2) on the basis of one dollar for each three dollars spent by the county. The county may submit a quarterly claim for reimbursement.

      (2)  The county shall submit an accounting of the expenditures and shall submit an annual financial report, a description of the program, and the results obtained within sixty days after the end of the fiscal year in which the money is granted.

      b.  If the transferred amount for this subsection exceeds grant requests funded to the ten thousand dollar maximum, the Iowa department of public health may use the remainder to increase grants pursuant to subsection 2.

      2.  a.  Of these funds, one-half of the transferred amount shall be used for prevention programs in addition to the amount budgeted for prevention programs by the department in the same fiscal year. The department shall use this additional prevention program money for grants to a county, person, or nonprofit agency operating a prevention program. A grant to a county, person, or nonprofit agency is subject to the following conditions:

      (1)  The money shall be paid to the county, person, or nonprofit agency after submission of the requirements in subparagraph (2) on the basis of two dollars for each dollar designated for prevention by the county, person, or nonprofit agency.

      (2)  The county, person, or nonprofit agency shall submit a description of the program.

      (3)  The county, person, or nonprofit agency shall submit an annual financial report and the results obtained before June 10 of the same fiscal year in which the money is granted.

      b.  The department may consider in-kind contributions received by a county, person, or nonprofit agency for matching purposes required in paragraph “a”, subparagraph (1).

    86 Acts, ch 1001, §15


    87 Acts, ch 110, §1


    94 Acts, ch 1068, §2


    2009 Acts, ch 41, §186