Section 125.7. Duties of the board.  

Latest version.
  •   The board shall:

      1.  Approve the comprehensive substance abuse program, developed by the department pursuant to sections 125.1 to 125.43.

      2.  Advise the department on policies governing the performance of the department in the discharge of any duties imposed on the department by law.

      3.  Advise or make recommendations to the governor and the general assembly relative to substance abuse treatment, intervention, education, and prevention programs in this state.

      4.  Adopt rules for subsections 1 and 6 and review other rules necessary to carry out the provisions of this chapter, subject to review in accordance with chapter 17A.

      5.  Investigate the work of the department relating to substance abuse, and for this purpose the board shall have access at any time to all books, papers, documents, and records of the department.

      6.  Consider and approve or disapprove all applications for a license and all cases involving the renewal, denial, suspension, or revocation of a license.

      7.  Act as the appeal board regarding funding decisions made by the department.

    [C71, 73, §123B.3; C75, 77, 79, 81, §125.7]

    86 Acts, ch 1245, §1126


    89 Acts, ch 243, §1


    2005 Acts, ch 175, §62