Section 125.77. Service of notice.  

Latest version.
  •   Upon the filing of an application pursuant to section 125.75, the clerk shall docket the case and immediately notify a district court judge, a district associate judge, or magistrate who is admitted to the practice of law in this state, who shall review the application and accompanying documentation. The clerk shall send copies of the application and supporting documentation, together with the notice informing the respondent of the procedures required by this division, to the sheriff, for immediate service upon the respondent. If the respondent is taken into custody under section 125.81, service of the application, documentation, and notice upon the respondent shall be made at the time the respondent is taken into custody.

    [C75, 77, §125.19(2); C79, 81, §229.51(3);

    82 Acts, ch 1212, §5


    91 Acts, ch 108, §1

    ; 2013 Acts, ch 130, §39