Section 138.1. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  •   When used in this chapter unless the context otherwise requires:

      1.  “Camp operator” means the person who has been granted a permit, in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, to operate a migrant labor camp, or portion thereof.

      2.  “Chemical toilet” means a nonwater carriage toilet facility where human waste is collected in a container charged with a chemical solution for the purpose of disinfecting and deodorizing such waste.

      3.  “Communicable disease” means any of those diseases regulated by state or local communicable disease laws, ordinances, or regulations.

      4.  “Department” means the Iowa department of public health.

      5.  “Director” means the director of public health or the director’s designee.

      6.  “Garbage” means all putrescible animal or vegetable wastes resulting from the handling, preparation, cooking, or consumption of food at a migrant labor camp.

      7.  “Migrant” means any individual who customarily and repeatedly travels from state to state for the purpose of obtaining seasonal employment in agriculture, including the spouse and children of such individuals, whether or not authorized by law to engage in such employment.

      8.  “Migrant labor camp” means one or more buildings, structures, shelters, tents, trailers, or vehicles or any other structure or a combination thereof together with the land appertaining thereto, established, operated, or maintained as living quarters for seven or more migrants or two or more shelters. A camp shall include such land or quarters separate from one another if the migrants housed therein work at any time for the same person and the total number of migrants in all such camps is seven or more. Such separate camps shall constitute a portion of a migrant labor camp.

      9.  “Person” means an individual, group of individuals, firm, association, partnership, or corporation.

      10.  “Privy” means a portable or fixed sanitary facility used for excretion in a shelter separate and apart from any building and without water-borne disposal.

      11.  “Refuse” means all putrescible and nonputrescible solid waste except human body wastes, including garbage, rubbish, and ashes.

      12.  “Service building” means any building provided for the common use, welfare, and comfort of persons occupying or using the migrant labor camp.

      13.  “Shelter” means any conventional or unconventional building of one or more rooms, or any tent, trailer, railroad car, or any other enclosure or structure used for sleeping or living purposes.

      14.  “Toilet room” means an enclosure containing one or more toilet facilities or water closet facilities.

      15.  “Urinal” means a sanitary fixture or structure installed for the purpose of urination.

      16.  “Water closet” means a sanitary fixture, within a toilet room, used for excretion and equipped with a bowl and device for flushing the bowl contents into a disposal system.

    [C71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, §138.1]