Section 16.1. Definitions.
Section 16.1A. Creation — administration of programs.
Section 16.2. Authority board of directors.
Section 16.2A. Title guaranty division — board.
Section 16.2B. Agricultural development division — administration of programs.
Section 16.2C. Agricultural development board.
Section 16.2D. Council on homelessness.
Section 16.2E. Legislative findings — general.
Section 16.3. Legislative findings — housing.
Section 16.3A. Conflicts of interest.
Section 16.4. Guiding principles — housing — other programs and projects.
Section 16.4A. Legislative findings — agricultural development.
Section 16.4B. Guiding principles — agricultural development.
Section 16.4C. Legislative findings — title guaranty.
Section 16.4D. Legislative findings — economic development.
Section 16.5. General powers.
Section 16.5A.
Section 16.5B.
Section 16.5C. Specific program powers.
Section 16.5D. Specific powers and duties — agricultural development.
Section 16.6. Executive director — responsibilities.
Section 16.7. Annual report.
Section 16.8.
Section 16.9. Nondiscrimination and affirmative action.
Section 16.10. Surplus moneys — loan and grant fund.
Section 16.11. Assistance by state officers, agencies, and departments.
Section 16.12.
Section 16.13. Conflicts of interest.
Section 16.14.
Section 16.15. Participation in federal housing assistance payments program.
Section 16.16. Liability.
Section 16.17. Rules.
Section 16.18. Inconsistent provisions.
Section 16.19. Liberal interpretation.
Section 16.20. Loans to mortgage lenders.
Section 16.21. Purchase of mortgage loans.
Section 16.22. Application of funds from sales of obligations.
Section 16.23.
Section 16.24.
Section 16.25.
Section 16.26. Bonds and notes.
Section 16.27. Reserve funds and appropriations.
Section 16.27A. Powers relating to loans.
Section 16.28. Remedies of bondholders and noteholders.
Section 16.29. Agreement of the state.
Section 16.30. Bonds and notes as legal investments.
Section 16.31. Moneys of the authority.
Section 16.32. Surplus moneys — loan and grant fund.
Section 16.33. Assistance by state officers, agencies, and departments.
Section 16.34. Liberal interpretation.
Section 16.34A. Special definition.
Section 16.35. State housing credit ceiling allocation.
Section 16.36. Participation in federal housing assistance payments program.
Section 16.37. Solar and renewable energy systems loans.
Section 16.38. Loans to lending institutions.
Section 16.39. Purchase of mortgage loans.
Section 16.40. Housing assistance fund.
Section 16.41. Shelter assistance fund.
Section 16.42. Inconsistent provisions.
Section 16.43. Economic distress areas named.
Section 16.44. Application of funds from sales of obligations.
Section 16.45. Qualified mortgage bonds — allocation of state ceiling.
Section 16.46. Senior living revolving loan program fund.
Section 16.47. Home and community-based services revolving loan program fund.
Section 16.48. Transitional housing revolving loan program fund.
Section 16.49. Community housing and services for persons with disabilities revolving loan program fund.
Section 16.50. Workforce housing assistance grant fund.
Section 16.51. Additional loan program.
Section 16.52. State housing credit ceiling allocation.
Section 16.53. Residential reverse annuity mortgage model program.
Section 16.54. Home ownership assistance program for military members.
Section 16.55.
Section 16.56. Jumpstart housing assistance program.
Section 16.57. Residential treatment facilities.
Section 16.58. Definitions.
Section 16.59. Special financing — calculations.
Section 16.60. Combination of programs permitted.
Section 16.61.
Section 16.62. Trust assets.
Section 16.63. Agreements.
Section 16.64. Bonds and notes — tax exemption.
Section 16.65.
Section 16.66.
Section 16.67.
Section 16.68.
Section 16.69.
Section 16.70. Loans to lending institutions.
Section 16.71. Purchase of loans.
Section 16.72.
Section 16.73. Rules.
Section 16.74.
Section 16.75. Beginning farmer loan program.
Section 16.76. Loans to beginning farmers.
Section 16.77.
Section 16.78. Administration of beginning farmer tax credit program.
Section 16.79. Criteria for participation in beginning farmer tax credit program.
Section 16.80. Agricultural assets transfer tax credit — agreement.
Section 16.81. Custom farming contract tax credit.
Section 16.82. Tax credit certificates — availability.
Section 16.83. Additional loan program.
Section 16.84. Financial assistance for agricultural producers.
Section 16.85.
Section 16.86.
Section 16.87.
Section 16.88.
Section 16.89.
Section 16.90. Definition.
Section 16.91. Iowa title guaranty program.
Section 16.92. Real estate transfer — mortgage release certificate.
Section 16.93. Closing protection letters.
Section 16.94.
Section 16.95.
Section 16.96.
Section 16.97.
Section 16.98.
Section 16.99.
Section 16.100. Housing improvement fund program.
Section 16.100A. Council on homelessness.
Section 16.101. Legislative findings.
Section 16.102. Establishment of economic development program — bonds and notes — projects.
Section 16.103. Iowa economic development program — specific powers.
Section 16.104. Loan agreements.
Section 16.105. Security for bonds — reserve funds — validity of pledge — nonliability.
Section 16.106. Adoption of rules.
Section 16.107. Infrastructure loan program.
Section 16.108.
Section 16.109.
Section 16.110.
Section 16.111.
Section 16.112.
Section 16.113.
Section 16.114.
Section 16.115.
Section 16.116.
Section 16.117.
Section 16.118.
Section 16.119.
Section 16.120.
Section 16.121.
Section 16.122.
Section 16.123.
Section 16.124.
Section 16.125.
Section 16.126.
Section 16.127.
Section 16.128.
Section 16.129.
Section 16.130.
Section 16.131. Water pollution control works and drinking water facilities financing program — funding — bonds and notes.
Section 16.131A. Definitions.
Section 16.132. Security — reserve funds — pledges — nonliability.
Section 16.133. Adoption of rules.
Section 16.133A. Funds and accounts — program funds and accounts not part of state general fund.
Section 16.134. Wastewater treatment financial assistance program.
Section 16.135. Wastewater viability assessment.
Section 16.136.
Section 16.137.
Section 16.138.
Section 16.139.
Section 16.140.
Section 16.141. Unsewered community revolving loan program — fund.
Section 16.142.
Section 16.143.
Section 16.144.
Section 16.145.
Section 16.146.
Section 16.147.
Section 16.148.
Section 16.149.
Section 16.150.
Section 16.151. Authority to issue Iowa tank assistance bonds.
Section 16.152.
Section 16.153.
Section 16.154.
Section 16.155. Residential treatment facilities.
Section 16.156.
Section 16.157.
Section 16.158.
Section 16.159.
Section 16.160.
Section 16.161. Authority to issue E911 program bonds and notes.
Section 16.162. Authority to issue community college dormitory bonds and notes.
Section 16.163.
Section 16.164.
Section 16.165.
Section 16.166.
Section 16.167.
Section 16.168.
Section 16.169.
Section 16.170.
Section 16.171. Recovery zone bonds — reporting — reallocation.
Section 16.172.
Section 16.173.
Section 16.174.
Section 16.175.
Section 16.176.
Section 16.177. Prison infrastructure revenue bonds.
Section 16.178.
Section 16.179.
Section 16.180.
Section 16.181. Housing trust fund.
Section 16.181A. Housing trust fund — appropriations.
Section 16.182. Senior living revolving loan program fund.
Section 16.183. Home and community-based services revolving loan program fund.
Section 16.184. Transitional housing revolving loan program fund.
Section 16.185. Community housing and services for persons with disabilities revolving loan program fund.
Section 16.186. Disaster damage housing assistance grant fund.
Section 16.187. Affordable housing assistance grant fund.
Section 16.188. Workforce housing assistance grant fund.
Section 16.189.
Section 16.190.
Section 16.191. Iowa jobs board.
Section 16.192. Board duties and powers.
Section 16.193. Iowa finance authority duties — appropriation.
Section 16.194. Iowa jobs program.
Section 16.194A. Iowa jobs II program — disaster prevention.
Section 16.195. Iowa jobs and Iowa jobs II program application review.
Section 16.196. Iowa jobs program projects — appropriations.
Section 16.197. Limitation of liability.
Section 16.198.
Section 16.199.
Section 16.200.
Section 16.201. Jumpstart housing assistance program.
Section 16.202.
Section 16.203.
Section 16.204.
Section 16.205.
Section 16.206.
Section 16.207.
Section 16.208.
Section 16.209.
Section 16.210.
Section 16.211. Disaster recovery housing project tax credit.
Section 16.212. Approval — requirements — repayment.
Section 16.213. Reserved.
Section 16.214. Reserved.
Section 16.215. Reserved.
Section 16.216. Reserved.
Section 16.217. Reserved.
Section 16.218. Reserved.
Section 16.219. Reserved.
Section 16.220. Reserved.
Section 16.221. Agricultural development division — administration of programs.