Section 20.1. Public policy.
Section 20.2. Title.
Section 20.3. Definitions.
Section 20.4. Exclusions.
Section 20.5. Public employment relations board.
Section 20.6. General powers and duties of the board.
Section 20.7. Public employer rights.
Section 20.8. Public employee rights.
Section 20.9. Scope of negotiations.
Section 20.10. Prohibited practices.
Section 20.11. Prohibited practice violations.
Section 20.12. Strikes prohibited.
Section 20.13. Bargaining unit determination.
Section 20.14. Bargaining representative determination.
Section 20.15. Elections.
Section 20.16. Duty to bargain.
Section 20.17. Procedures.
Section 20.18. Grievance procedures.
Section 20.19. Impasse procedures — agreement of parties.
Section 20.20. Mediation.
Section 20.21. Fact-finding.
Section 20.22. Binding arbitration.
Section 20.23. Legal actions.
Section 20.24. Notice and service — electronic filing system.
Section 20.25. Internal conduct of employee organizations.
Section 20.26. Employee organizations — political contributions.
Section 20.27. Conflict with federal aid.
Section 20.28. Inconsistent statutes — effect.
Section 20.29. Filing agreement — public access.
Section 20.30. Supervisory member — no reduction before retirement.
Section 20.31. Mediator privilege.