Section 260C.12. Directors of merged area.  

Latest version.
  •   1.  The board of directors of the merged area shall organize at the first regular meeting in October following the regular school election. Organization of the board shall be effected by the election of a president and other officers from the board membership as board members determine. The board of directors shall appoint a secretary and a treasurer who shall each give bond as prescribed in section 291.2 and who shall each receive the salary determined by the board. The secretary and treasurer shall perform duties under chapter 291 and additional duties the board of directors deems necessary. However, the board may appoint one person to serve as the secretary and treasurer. If one person serves as the secretary and treasurer, only one bond is necessary for that person. The frequency of meetings other than organizational meetings shall be as determined by the board of directors but the president or a majority of the members may call a special meeting at any time.

      2.  Members of the board, other than the secretary and the treasurer, shall be allowed their actual expenses incurred in the performance of their duties and may be eligible to receive per diem compensation.

    [C66, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, §280A.13;

    82 Acts, ch 1039, §1


    ch 1086, §1


    C83, §280A.12

    90 Acts, ch 1253, §28

    C93, §260C.12

    2008 Acts, ch 1115, §3, 21