Section 315.11. Additional factors and requirements.  

Latest version.
  •   In addition to other effects and factors to be considered under section 315.5, for applications submitted after July 1, 1988, the following factors and requirements shall be considered or applied:

      1.  The impact of the proposed project on other businesses in competition with the business being considered for assistance. The department shall make a good faith effort to identify existing Iowa businesses within an industry in competition with the business being considered for assistance. The department shall make a good faith effort to determine the probability that the proposed financial assistance will displace employees of the existing businesses. In determining the impact on businesses in competition with the business being considered for assistance, jobs created as a result of other jobs being displaced elsewhere in the state shall not be considered direct jobs created.

      2.  The economic impact to the state of the proposed project. In measuring the economic impact the department shall award more points for the following:

      a.  A business with a greater percentage of sales out-of-state or of import substitution.

      b.  A business with a higher proportion of in-state suppliers.

      c.  A project which would provide greater diversification of the state economy.

      d.  A business with fewer in-state competitors.

      e.  A potential for future job growth.

      f.  A project which is not a retail operation.

      3.  The quality of jobs to be provided. Jobs that have a higher wage scale, have a lower turnover rate, are full-time, or are career-type positions are considered higher in quality. Businesses that have wage scales substantially below that of existing Iowa businesses in that area should be rated as providing the lowest quality of jobs and should therefore be given the lowest ranking for providing such assistance.

      4.  If the business has a record of violations of the law over a period of time that tends to show a consistent pattern, the business shall be given the lowest ranking for providing assistance. The department shall make a good faith effort to compile this information.

      5.  If a business has, within three years of application for assistance, acquired or merged with an Iowa corporation or company, the business shall make a good faith effort to hire the workers of the merged or acquired company.

      6.  To be eligible for assistance a business shall provide for a preference for hiring residents of the state or the economic development area, except for out-of-state employees offered a transfer to Iowa or the economic development area.

      7.  All known required environmental permits must be granted and regulations met before moneys are released.

    88 Acts, ch 1257, §3


    2009 Acts, ch 82, §16