Section 427.2. Taxable property acquired through eminent domain.  

Latest version.
  •   Real estate occupied as a public road, and rights-of-way for established public levees and rights-of-way for established, open, public drainage improvements shall not be taxed.

      When land or rights in land are acquired in connection with or for public use or public purposes, the acquiring authority shall assist in the collection of property taxes and special assessments. However, assistance in the collection of the property taxes does not require the payment of property taxes on the property acquired which exceed the amount of just compensation offered as required by section 6B.45 for the acquisition of the property.

      The property owner shall pay all property taxes which are due and payable when the property owner surrenders possession of the property acquired and also those which become due and payable for the fiscal year the property is acquired in an amount equal to one-twelfth of the taxes due and payable on the property acquired for the preceding fiscal year multiplied by the number of months in the fiscal year in which the property was acquired which elapsed prior to the month in which the property owner surrenders possession, and including that month if the surrender of possession occurs after the fifteenth day of a month. For purposes of computing the payments, the property owner has surrendered possession of property acquired by eminent domain proceedings when the acquiring authority has the right to obtain possession of the acquired property as authorized by law. When all of the property is acquired for public use or public purposes, the property owner shall pay all special assessments in full which have been certified to the county treasurer for collection before the possession date of the acquiring authority. When part but not all of the property is acquired for public use or public purposes, taxing authorities may collect property taxes and special assessments which the property owner is obligated to pay, in accordance with chapter 446, from that part of the property which is not acquired. The county treasurer shall collect and accept the payment received on property acquired for public use or public purposes as full and final payment of all property tax on the property.

      For that portion of the prorated year for which the acquiring authority has possession of the property or part of the property acquired in connection with or for public use or public purposes, all taxes shall be canceled by the county treasurer.

      From the date of possession by the acquiring authority for land or rights in land acquired in connection with or for public use or public purposes, and for as long as ownership is retained by the acquiring authority, a special assessment shall not be certified to the county treasurer for collection while under public ownership. However, the assessment may be certified for collection to the county treasurer upon the sale of the acquired property by the acquiring authority to a new owner on a prorated basis. Special assessments certified to a county treasurer for collection while under public ownership shall be canceled by the county treasurer.

      Upon sale of the acquired property by the acquiring authority to a new owner, the new owner shall pay all property taxes which become due and payable or would have become due and payable but for the acquisition by the acquiring authority for the fiscal year the property is acquired by the new owner in an amount equal to one-twelfth of the taxes multiplied by the number of months in the fiscal year in which the new owner acquired the property which occurred after the month in which the new owner acquired the property.

    [C73, §809; C97, §1344; C24, 27, 31, 35, 39, §6945; C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, §427.2;

    82 Acts, ch 1183, §1


    86 Acts, ch 1153, §1


    87 Acts, ch 40, §1