Section 455G.1. Title — scope.
Section 455G.2. Definitions.
Section 455G.3. Establishment of Iowa comprehensive petroleum underground storage tank fund.
Section 455G.3A. Special appropriation — renewable fuel infrastructure fund.
Section 455G.4. Governing board.
Section 455G.5. Independent contractors to be retained by board.
Section 455G.6. Iowa comprehensive petroleum underground storage tank fund — general and specific powers.
Section 455G.7. Security for bonds — capital reserve fund — irrevocable contracts.
Section 455G.8. Revenue sources for fund.
Section 455G.9. Remedial program.
Section 455G.10.
Section 455G.11. Insurance fund.
Section 455G.12. Board authority for prioritization.
Section 455G.12A. Cost containment authority.
Section 455G.13. Cost recovery enforcement.
Section 455G.14. Fund not subject to regulation.
Section 455G.15. Fund not part of the Iowa insurance guaranty association.
Section 455G.16. Financial institution participation in fund.
Section 455G.17. Inspectors — education — registration.
Section 455G.18. Groundwater professionals — certification.
Section 455G.19.
Section 455G.20. Final approval.
Section 455G.21. Marketability fund.
Section 455G.22.
Section 455G.23. Aboveground petroleum storage tank fund.
Section 455G.24.
Section 455G.25.
Section 455G.26.
Section 455G.27.
Section 455G.28.
Section 455G.29.
Section 455G.30.
Section 455G.31. E-85 gasoline storage and dispensing infrastructure.