Section 618.13. Publication of docket in certain counties.  

Latest version.
  •   When the petition provided for in rule of civil procedure 1.403 is filed with the clerk of the district court in a county of ninety-eight thousand population or over, the names of the parties plaintiff and defendant in such action, the description of the real estate involved, if any, except for quieting title, partition, and suits involving tax assessments, and the names of the attorneys for the plaintiff, and the docket number assigned to such case, may, in the event the majority of the judges of the judiciary district in which such county lies, so direct, be published once in a daily newspaper having a general circulation in said county; such paper to be designated by a majority of the judges of the district court. Provided, that whenever thereafter such case is assigned for trial or any other pleadings are filed therein, or court action taken with reference thereto, except general orders of court for continuations, the title of such case and kind of pleading shall be published, and if it is in an assignment for trial it shall be carried in printed assignment from day to day until final disposition.

    [C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, §618.13]

    92 Acts, ch 1240, §21