Section 70A.15. Payroll deduction.  

Latest version.
  •   1.  The responsible official in charge of the payroll system may deduct from the salary or wages of a state officer or employee an amount specified by the officer or employee for payment to a charitable organization if:

      a.  The request for the payroll deduction is made in writing during the enrollment period for the charitable organization.

      b.  The deduction shall not continue in effect for a period of time exceeding one year unless a new written request is filed according to the requirements of this section.

      c.  The pay period during which the deduction is made, the frequency, and the amount of the deduction are compatible with the payroll system.

      2.  Moneys deducted pursuant to this section shall be paid over promptly to the appropriate charitable organization. The deduction may be made notwithstanding that the compensation actually paid to the officer or employee is reduced to an amount below the minimum prescribed by law. Payment to an officer or employee of compensation less the deduction shall constitute a full and complete discharge of claims and demands for services rendered by the employee during the period covered by the payment. The request for the deduction may be withdrawn at any time by filing a written notification of withdrawal with the responsible official in charge of the payroll system.

    [C66, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, §79.15]

    C93, §70A.15

    2008 Acts, ch 1032, §201

    Combined charitable campaign program administered by department of administrative services; §8A.432