Section 8.23. Annual departmental estimates.  

Latest version.
  •   1.  On or before October 1, prior to each legislative session, all departments and establishments of the government shall transmit to the director, on blanks to be furnished by the director, estimates of their expenditure requirements, including every proposed expenditure, for the ensuing fiscal year, classified so as to distinguish between expenditures estimated for administration, operation, and maintenance, and the cost of each project involving the purchase of land or the making of a public improvement or capital outlay of a permanent character, together with supporting data and explanations as called for by the director.

      a.  The estimates of expenditure requirements shall be based upon seventy-five percent of the funding provided for the current fiscal year accounted for by program reduced by the historical employee vacancy factor in form specified by the director and the remainder of the estimate of expenditure requirements prioritized by program. The estimates shall be accompanied with performance measures for evaluating the effectiveness of the program.

      b.  The budget estimates for an agency as defined in section 8E.103 shall be based on achieving goals contained in the enterprise strategic plan and the agency’s strategic plan as provided for in chapter 8E. The estimates shall be accompanied by a description of the measurable and other results to be achieved by the agency. Performance measures shall be based on the goals developed pursuant to sections 8E.205, 8E.206, and 8E.208. The estimates shall be accompanied by an explanation of the manner in which appropriations requested for the administration and maintenance of the agency meet goals contained in the enterprise strategic plan and the agency’s strategic plan, including identifying goals that require legislation.

      c.  If a department or establishment fails to submit estimates within the time specified, the legislative services agency shall use the amounts of the appropriations to the department or establishment for the fiscal year in process at the time the estimates are required to be submitted as the amounts for the department’s or establishment’s request in the documents submitted to the general assembly for the ensuing fiscal year and the governor shall cause estimates to be prepared for that department or establishment as in the governor’s opinion are reasonable and proper.

      d.  The director shall furnish standard budget request forms to each department or agency of state government.

      2.  On or before November 15 all departments and establishments of government and the judicial branch shall transmit to the department of management and the legislative services agency estimates of their receipts and expenditure requirements from federal or other nonstate grants, receipts, and funds for the ensuing fiscal year. The transmittal shall include the names of the grantor and the grant or the source of the funds, the estimated amount of the funds, and the planned expenditures and use of the funds. The format of the transmittal shall be specified by the legislative services agency.

    [S13, §163-a; SS15, §191-a; C24, 27, 31, §327, 328; C35, §84-e16; C39, §84.16; C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, §8.23]

    86 Acts, ch 1245, §2017


    90 Acts, ch 1252, §1


    90 Acts, ch 1263, §53


    91 Acts, ch 263, §31


    95 Acts, ch 214, §20


    98 Acts, ch 1047, §2


    2001 Acts, ch 169, §3


    2003 Acts, ch 35, §45, 49


    2003 Acts, ch 179, §88, 159