Section 84A.6. Job placement and training programs.  

Latest version.
  •   1.  The department of workforce development, in consultation with the workforce development board and the regional advisory boards, the department of education, and the economic development authority shall work together to develop policies encouraging coordination between skill development, labor exchange, and economic development activities.

      2.  a.  The director of the department of workforce development, in cooperation with the department of human services, shall provide job placement and training to persons referred by the department of human services under the promoting independence and self-sufficiency through employment job opportunities and basic skills program established pursuant to chapter 239B and the food stamp employment and training program.

      b.  The department of workforce development, in consultation with the department of human services, shall develop and implement departmental recruitment and employment practices that address the needs of former and current participants in the family investment program under chapter 239B.

      3.  The director of the department of workforce development, in cooperation with the department of human rights and the vocational rehabilitation services division of the department of education, shall establish a program to provide job placement and training to persons with disabilities.

      4.  The department of workforce development, in consultation with the college student aid commission, shall issue a quarterly report identifying industries in which the department finds a shortage of skilled workers in this state for the purposes of the skilled workforce shortage tuition grant program established in section 261.130.

    86 Acts, ch 1245, §903

    96 Acts, ch 1186, §13

    97 Acts, ch 41, §32

    ; 2002 Acts, ch 1050, §12

    ; 2005 Acts, ch 175, §58

    ; 2011 Acts, ch 118, §85, 89

    ; 2012 Acts, ch 1132, §16