Section 89.11. Injunction.  

Latest version.
  •   1.  In addition to all other remedies, if any owner, user, or person in charge of any equipment covered by this chapter continues to use any equipment covered by this chapter, after receiving an inspection report identifying defects and exhausting appeal rights as provided by this chapter without first correcting the defects or making replacements, the commissioner may apply to the district court by petition in equity, in an action brought in the name of the state, for a writ of injunction to restrain the use of the alleged defective equipment.

      2.  If the commissioner believes that the continued operation of equipment constitutes an imminent danger that could seriously injure or cause death to any person, in addition to all other remedies, the commissioner may apply to the district court in the county in which the imminently dangerous condition exists for a temporary order to enjoin the owner, user, or person in charge from operating the equipment before the owner’s, user’s, or person’s rights to administrative appeals have been exhausted.

    [C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 71, 73, 75, 77, §89.10; C79, 81, §89.11]

    2004 Acts, ch 1107, §9, 30


    2007 Acts, ch 135, §7


    2009 Acts, ch 133, §23