Section 8E.204. Adoption and revision of an enterprise strategic plan and agency strategic plans.  

Latest version.
  •   1.  The department, in consultation with agencies, shall adopt an enterprise strategic plan. Each agency shall adopt an agency strategic plan aligned with the enterprise strategic plan.

      2.  The department or an agency shall adopt and revise a strategic plan which includes input from customers and stakeholders following an opportunity for broad public participation in strategic planning. The department or an agency developing or revising a strategic plan shall include input from state employees, including written and oral comments. Upon adoption of the enterprise strategic plan by the department, the plan shall be disseminated to each agency and made available to all state employees. Upon adoption of the agency’s strategic plan, the agency shall provide the department with a copy of the agency strategic plan and make the strategic plan available to all agency employees. The enterprise strategic plan and all agency strategic plans shall be available to the public.

      3.  The department and agencies shall annually review the enterprise strategic plan. An agency shall conduct an annual review of its agency strategic plan. Revisions in the strategic plan may be prompted by a reexamination of priorities or the need to redirect state resources based on new circumstances, including events or trends.

    2001 Acts, ch 169, §16