Chapter 313. PRIMARY ROADS  

Section 313.1. Federal and state cooperation.
Section 313.2. “Road systems” defined — roadside parks.
Section 313.2A. Commercial and industrial highways.
Section 313.3. Primary road fund.
Section 313.4. Disbursement of fund.
Section 313.5. Biennial appropriation — budget.
Section 313.6. Accounts and records required.
Section 313.7. Monthly certification of funds.
Section 313.8. Improvement of primary system.
Section 313.9. Surveys, plans, and specifications.
Section 313.10. Bids — advertising.
Section 313.11. Bids — specialized construction.
Section 313.12. Supervision and inspection.
Section 313.13. Engineers — bonds.
Section 313.14. Claims.
Section 313.15.
Section 313.16. Payment of awards or judgments.
Section 313.17. Contingent fund.
Section 313.18. Use of contingent fund.
Section 313.19. Audit of contingent claims.
Section 313.20. Auditor — appointment — bond — duties.
Section 313.21. Primary extension improvements in cities.
Section 313.22. Paving of whole street by department.
Section 313.23. Reimbursement by city.
Section 313.24. Separated cities.
Section 313.25.
Section 313.26.
Section 313.27. Bridges, viaducts, etc., on municipal primary extensions.
Section 313.28. Temporary primary road detours.
Section 313.29. Detours located in city.
Section 313.30.
Section 313.31.
Section 313.32.
Section 313.33.
Section 313.34.
Section 313.35.
Section 313.36. Maintenance — limitation in cities.
Section 313.37. Road equipment.
Section 313.38.
Section 313.39.
Section 313.40.
Section 313.41.
Section 313.42. Definitions.
Section 313.43. Lateral or detour routes in cities.
Section 313.44. Standard markings required.
Section 313.45. Cost.
Section 313.46.
Section 313.47.
Section 313.48.
Section 313.49.
Section 313.50.
Section 313.51.
Section 313.52.
Section 313.53.
Section 313.54.
Section 313.55.
Section 313.56.
Section 313.57.
Section 313.58.
Section 313.59. Gift of bridge to state — acceptance.
Section 313.60. Indebtedness paid.
Section 313.61. Taxes forgiven.
Section 313.62. Department authority.
Section 313.63. Action by adjoining state.
Section 313.64. Financial statement annually.
Section 313.65. Approval of taxing bodies.
Section 313.66. Mississippi bridges purchased.
Section 313.67. Scenic and improvement fund.
Section 313.68. Bridge safety fund.