Section 476A.1. Definitions.
Section 476A.2. Certificate required.
Section 476A.3. Application submitted — review.
Section 476A.4. Hearing scheduled — notice.
Section 476A.5. Proceeding — role of regulatory agencies and local authorities.
Section 476A.6. Decision — criteria.
Section 476A.7. Issuance of certificate — effect.
Section 476A.8. Further approvals prohibited — exception.
Section 476A.9. Advance site preparation.
Section 476A.10. Costs of proceeding.
Section 476A.11. Single hearing — judicial review.
Section 476A.12. Rules.
Section 476A.13. Staff assistance — federal preemption.
Section 476A.14. Penalties.
Section 476A.15. Waiver.
Section 476A.16.
Section 476A.17.
Section 476A.18.
Section 476A.19.
Section 476A.20. Definitions.
Section 476A.21. Electric power agency — general authority.
Section 476A.22. Electric power agency — authority — conflicting provisions.
Section 476A.23. Issuance of public bonds or obligations — purposes — limitations.
Section 476A.24. Public bonds or obligations authorized by resolution of board of directors — terms.
Section 476A.25. Public bonds or obligations payable solely from agency revenues or funds.
Section 476A.26. Public bonds or obligations — types — sources for payment — security.
Section 476A.27. Public bonds or obligations and rates for debt service not subject to state approval.
Section 476A.28. Public bonds or obligations to be negotiable.
Section 476A.29. Validity of public bonds or obligations at delivery — temporary bonds.
Section 476A.30. Public or private sale of bonds and obligations.
Section 476A.31. Public bonds or obligations as suitable investments for governmental units, financial institutions, and fiduciaries.
Section 476A.32. Resolution, trust indenture, or security agreement constitutes contract — provisions.
Section 476A.33. Mortgage or trust deed to secure bonds.
Section 476A.34. No personal liability on public bonds or obligations.
Section 476A.35. Repurchase of securities.
Section 476A.36. Pledge of revenue as security.